Lecture –13






Lecture –13

Managing Technology









    Topics Covered:


·         Technologies in Manufacturing

·         Benefits of Technology Investment

·         Risks in Adopting New Technology

·         Model Questions








Although technological changes have occurred in almost every industry, many may be unique to an industry. For instance, a prestressed concrete block is a technological advance unique to the construction industry. Major developments in the design of automobiles will result in cars that are made from recyclable parts.

              Some technological advances in recent decades have had a significant, widespread impact on manufacturing firms in many industries. These advances, which are the topic of this section, can be categorized in two ways: hardware systems and software systems.

Hardware technologies have generally resulted in greater automation of processes; they perform labor‑intensive tasks originally performed by humans. Examples of these major types of hardware technologies are numerically controlled machine tools, machining centers, industrial robots, automated materials handling systems, and flexible manufacturing systems. These are all computer‑controlled devices that can be used in the manufacturing of products. Software‑based technologies aid in the design of manufactured products and in the sis and planning of manufacturing activities. These technologies include computer aided design and automated manufacturing planning and control systems. Each of these technologies will be described in greater detail in the following sections.


Hardware Systems

          Numerically controlled (NC) machines are comprised of (1) a typical machine tool used to drill, or grind different types of parts; and (2) a computer that controls the sequence of processes performed by the machine. NC machines were first adopted by U.S. aerospace in the 1960s, and they have since proliferated to many other industries. In more recent Is, feedback control loops determine the position of the machine tooling during the constantly compare the actual location with the programmed location, and correct as needed . This is often called adaptive control.

          Machining centers represent an increased level of automation and complexity relative C machines. Machining centers not only provide automatic control of a machine, they also carry many tools that can be automatically changed depending on the tool d for each operation. In addition, a single machine may be equipped with a shuttle in so that a finished part can be unloaded and an unfinished part loaded while the machine is working on a part.

          Industrial robots are used as substitutes for workers for many repetitive manual activities tasks that are dangerous, dirty, or dull. A robot is a programmable, multifunctional machine that may be equipped with an end effector. Examples of end effectors include a gripter to pick things up, or a tool such as a wrench, a welder, or a paint sprayer. Advanced capabilities have been designed into robots to allow vision, tactile sensing and hand‑to‑hand coordination.

          Automated materials handing (AMH) systems improve efficiency of transportation, storage, and retrieval of materials. Examples are computerized conveyors, and automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) in which computers direct automatic loaders to pick and place items. Automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems use embedded floor wires to direct driverless vehicles to various locations in the plant. Benefits of AMH systems include quicker material movement, lower inventories and storage space, reduced product damage, and higher labor productivity.


These individual pieces of automation can be combined to form manufacturing cells or even complete flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). A manufacturing cell might consist of a robot and a machining center. The robot could be programmed to automatically insert and remove parts from the machining center, thus allowing unattended operation. An FMS is a totally automated manufacturing system that consists of machining centers with automated loading and unloading of parts, an automated guided vehicle system for moving parts between machines, and other automated elements to allow unattended production of parts. In an FMS, a comprehensive computer control system is used to run the entire system.


Software Systems

          Computer‑aided design (CAD) is an approach to product and process design that utilizes the power of the computer. CAD covers several automated technologies, such as computer graphics to examine the visual characteristics of a product, and computer‑aided engineering (CAE) to evaluate its engineering characteristics. Rubbermaid used CAD to refine dimensions of its Tote Wheels to meet airline requirements for checked baggage. CAD also includes technologies associated with the manufacturing process design, referred to as computer‑aided process planning (CAPP). CAPP is used to design the computer part programs that serve as instructions to computer‑controlled machine tools, and to design the programs used to sequence parts through the machine centers and other processes (such as the washing and inspection) needed to complete the part. These programs are referred to as process plans. Sophisticated CAD systems are also able to do on‑screen tests, replacing the early phases of prototype testing and modification.


          CAD has been used to design everything from computer chips to potato chips. Frito‑Lay, for example, used CAD to design its O'Grady's double‑density, ruffled potato chip. The problem in designing such a chip is that if it is cut improperly, it may be burned on the outside and soggy on the inside, be too brittle (and shatter when placed in the bag), or display other characteristics that make it unworthy for, say, a guacamole dip. However, through the use of CAD, the proper angle and number of ruffles were determined mathematically; the O'Grady's model passed its stress test in the infamous Frito‑Lay "crusher" and made it to your grocer's shelf.

          CAD is now being used to custom design swimsuits. Measurements of the wearer are fed into the CAD program, along with the style of suit desired. Working with the customer, the designer modifies the suit design as it appears on a human‑form drawing on the computer screen. Once the design is decided upon, the computer prints out a pattern, and the suit is cut and sewn on the spot.

          Automated manufacturing planning and control systems (MP&CS) are simply computer‑based information systems that help plan, schedule, and monitor a manufacturing operation. They obtain information from the factory floor continuously about work status, material arrivals, and so on, and they release production and purchase orders. Sophisticated manufacturing and planning control systems include order‑entry processing, shop‑floor control, purchasing, and cost accounting.





The typical benefits from adopting new manufacturing technologies are both tangible and intangible. The tangible benefits can be used in traditional modes of financial analysis, such as discounted cash flow, to make sound investment decisions. Specific benefits can be summarized as follows:



Labor costs Replacing people with robots, or enabling fewer workers to run semiautomatic equipment.

Material costs Using existing materials more efficiently, or enabling the use of high tolerance materials.

Inventory costs Fast changeover equipment allowing for JIT inventory management.

Quality costs Automated inspection and reduced variation in product output.

Maintenance costs Self‑adjusting equipment.




Increased product variety Scope economies due to flexible manufacturing systems.

Improved product features Ability to make things that could not be made by hand (e.g., microprocessors).

Shorter cycle times Faster setups and change‑overs.

Greater product output





Although there may be many benefits in acquiring new technologies, several types of risk accompany the acquisition of new technologies. These risks have to be evaluated and traded off against the benefits before the technologies are adopted. Some of these risks are described next.



An early adopter of a new technology has the benefit of being ahead of the competition, but he or she also runs the risk of acquiring an untested technology whose problems could disrupt the firm's operations. There is also the risk of obsolescence, especially with electronics‑based technologies where change is rapid and when the fixed cost of acquiring new technologies or the cost of upgrades is high. Also, alternative technologies may become more cost‑effective in the future, negating the benefits of a technology today.



There could also be risks in applying a new technology to a firm's operations. Installation of a new technology generally results in significant disruptions, at least in the short run, in the form of plantwide reorganization, retraining, and so on. Further risks are due to the delays and errors introduced in the production process and the uncertain and sudden demands on various resources.



Finns may lack the organizational culture and top management commitment required to absorb the short‑term disruptions and uncertainties associated with adopting a new technology. In such organizations, there is a risk that the firm's employees or managers may quickly abandon the technology when there are short‑term failures or will avoid major changes by simply automating the firm's old, inefficient process and therefore not obtain the benefits of the new technology.





In many cases, a firm may invest in a particular technology only to discover a few years later that changes in some environmental or market factors make the investment worthless. For instance, in environmental issues auto firms have been reluctant to invest in technology for making electric cars because they are uncertain about future emission standards of state and federal government, the potential for decreasing emissions from gasoline-based cars, and the potential for significant improvement in battery technology. Typical examples of market risks are fluctuations in currency exchange rates and interest rates.





Model Questions:


1.   Briefly discuss the Technologies used in Manufacturing.

2.   What are the Benefits of Technology Investment?

3.   Discuss the Risks involved in Adopting New Technology.






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